In 2015, author Travis Thrasher embarks on an ambitious writing and publishing venture – blogging a novel chapter-by-chapter. The novel is called The Howling Wind and it’s the first of a three-book series called The Hinterlands Saga.

Along for the ride is Frequency.FM, partnering with Travis to provide an audio component.  As Travis releases chapters, Frequency.FM records the narration and publishes them to a dedicated podcast feed in serial fashion.  So, whether you’re a reader, an audiobook fan, or podcast subscriber, you’ll be able to follow the story as it unfolds.

Travis Bridge Photo


By Travis Thrasher

The world is breaking and so are those we’re about to meet.

The time is the not-so-distant future. Natural disasters have begun wreaking havoc to our planet and especially to our beloved country.

A group of souls are about to be stranded and then connected. But why? For what reason?

Each of them is an important piece in this broken puzzle. But what will the picture look like when it is finally filled?

Every day we see some kind of new horror come out of nowhere. Every day we find a little more darkness seeping into this world of ours.

What if that darkness refused to die, and what if the light seemed to finally be extinguished?

This is a story about the light and the darkness. About the broken pieces of the puzzle. About our place in this mysterious story of mankind.

Can that light truly swallow up the darkness?

Can that light truly shine in the pit black of night?

And can we–whoever we might be and wherever we’ve come from—be seen and known and eventually shine?

In the Beginning

Start at the Beginning

It all needs to start someplace, and that usually means Chapter 1.  The Howling Wind is no different.  Thrasher kicks things off with the provocatively titled Chapter One: Penguins, Pints and Partings.  Of course, if you want to start with the first narrated entry, you’ll want to click here.

Latest Entries

Chapter 4.4

4. put your arms around it and hold tight it sticks out in front of the blue and the white this wonderful little picture in the box of the sky and the clouds and the hills below it touch it and take it Stephanie drifts. Or maybe the land below her does. Or maybe the...

Chapter 4.3

3. Eight and free. Eight and golden. Eight years old with eyes yearning for the world outside. It didn’t take her long to reach that world. It didn’t take that world long to devour her. “Everything okay?” the voice behind the door said. Stephanie stood in another...

Chapter 4.2

2. The pale color of her stomach. Then her legs. Then her chest. Then everything else. Stephanie tried to move her arm but it felt heavy and shackled. Her dry mouth tried to swallow but felt stuffed with cotton. She didn’t feel cold but she felt stretched and watched...

Latest Narration

Chapter 2.8

8. Everything quivers. She hangs on, clasping the ice, shivering. The weight—the wind—the rush all pull Allie back but she shakes and keeps fighting. Eyes flickering, opening and shutting, the heavy snow cutting at them. She can see the wall. The white towering...

Chapter 2.7

7. I’m going to feel this wine tomorrow. She finished brushing her teeth and looked into the small, round mirror on the wall. It was a bit warped so she looked like one of those pictures you could take on your MacBook that distorted your face and made it into...

Chapter 2.6

6. A comforter covered her in this cozy little cabin and its name was Fiona Apple. Her pillow happened to be some kind of red wine Morgan had bought. Allie realized that sitting around by a fireplace sipping wine on a Sunday night wasn’t really a great way to declare...

Chapter 2.5

5. "Think anybody will find us?" Silence and the dark wrapped like blankets around them. "Nobody's looking." So confident. So crazy. This guy. "Think we should go back?" The moon stood watch, staring without a single blink. "Never." He did something crazy. Unheard of....

Chapter 2.4

4. Allie had never taken such delight in personal isolation. The sporty Nissan Altima they'd rented whipped around the curves as they approached the resort. It took another half hour to get from the town of Mars Hill to Wolf Ridge. A twisting road off the highway...

Chapter 2.3

3. The love she longed for which closed its eyes and opened its heart felt like some kind of hidden cave of gems waiting deep in the Appalachian mountains they drove by. Allie was the passenger and slowly sifted out of her seat into rolling hills smothered with...

Full Chapters

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About Travis Thrasher

TTravis About Photoravis Thrasher is the bestselling author of over thirty works of fiction in a variety of genres. He’s written novels that have crossed the spectrum between love stories and supernatural thrillers. His variety of inspirational stories have included collaborations with filmmakers, musicians, and pastors. He’s also helped write memoirs and self-help books. In 2011, Travis co-authored Paper Angels with Jimmy Wayne and Letters From War with Mark Schultz. Both of these were collaborations based on songs. Since then he’s written several novelizations including Home Run and The Remaining. He’s also done books with the Robertsons from Duck Dynasty and a nonfiction work called The Brainy Bunch. His latest work is the novelization for Do You Believe, the follow-up movie from the makers of the popular film God’s Not Dead. Before being a full-time author, Travis was the Author Relations Manager at Tyndale House Publishers from 1994 to 2007, working with many NY Times bestselling authors. Travis and his wife, Sharon, live in a suburb of Chicago and have three daughters.

About Frequency.FM

Frequency-Banner-e1416428166987Frequency.FM is a podcast featuring Christian artists across all mediums. The team at Frequency.FM feels that artist features can be more than music and can delve into areas beyond the evident surface. Rather, we intend engage artists from all walks, discussing life, faith, and their passions. Expect to hear from a diverse collection of artists whose work is presented in music, media, entertainment, magic, authors, producers, script writers, graphics, painting, film, animation etc.

One thing that will never change, however, is our commitment to discuss matters of faith and the artists’ relationship with Jesus Christ.